What our clients say

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Ella Jacobs
Ella Jacobs
Speech Pathologist

Ella graduated with a Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology) from the University of Sydney. She is passionate about working closely with children of all ages with communication difficulties, helping them reach their full potential and thrive. She deeply values collaborating with families and other health professionals, providing individualised high-quality care.

Ella has a background as a youth group leader for school aged children for many years as well as a disability support worker. This has given her the skills to approach situations with empathy, flexibility and creativity. She is committed to making therapy sessions engaging and enjoyable for her clients and their families to ensure a positive and fun experience. Ella is trained in the Spalding method, Speak & Write’s preferred literacy and language learning program. She is also trained in DTTC for Childhood Apraxia of Speech. Ella is registered with Speech Pathology Australia’s Professional Self Regulation Program.

In her spare time she enjoys taking her dog to the beach, cycling and listening to live music.‍

Sophie Moore - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
Google - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

“One of a kind service”

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Sophie Moore
VP of Design at Google
Matt - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
YouTube - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

“The best service”

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Matt Cannon
Developer at YouTube